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Within our advisory services for the Large Retail Space & Shopping Centre industry we offer advice as an independent expert through valuations under different scenarios.
We advise our clients on brand valuation and valuation of real rights: concessions, surface rights, licenses and purchase options.
We conduct portfolio analysis and segmentation from a commercial, strategic, financial and real estate point of view. In addition, we also offer financial advisory on project feasibility. We carry out market research on any type of asset and analyze the commercial and financial feasibility of investment projects and real estate developments. We focus on the greatest benefit of our clients seeking to reduce the tax impact of real estate assets, which in some cases is a considerable expense.
Our team offers guarantees, as it is qualified to conduct RICS Valuations. We carry out our valuations in accordance with the RICS Valuation Standards – Global, 9th Edition. We determine the exact value in acquisitions and sales: sale & purchase, corporate transactions and lease. We also conduct portfolio valuations and prepare due diligence reports. Our advice can be key since we know the current market situation and trend.
Financing: International financial institutions use RICS reports to estimate the value of the collateral. Likewise, some Spanish financial institutions admit RICS reports since these provide an additional view of the real estate assets as a complement to ECO appraisal.
Determination of value in sales and acquisitions: sale and purchase, corporate and lease transactions. Having the information required throughout the sale and purchase process. Knowledge of the potential risks of the purchase and the factors that affect the final value of your property.
Valuation for accounting, legal and tax purposes: Support of the Fair Value reflected in the company’s accounts. Depreciation and amortization. Follow-up on the change in the value of assets.
Portfolio valuation and Due Diligence: Knowledge of the Market Value of the property, the current market situation and trend. Financial projections. Different scenarios depending on the strategy and financial impact.
Valuation of Intangibles:
Business Valuation: Valuation of companies, valuation of businesses and business plans for corporate transactions, financing processes, legal disputes, remuneration packages or feasibility studies.
Expert valuation: Independent expert opinion reports, party’s expert reports, arbitration opinions, expert opinions, expropriations, liquidations, inheritances, separations, redundancy schemes, corporate conflicts or tax purposes.
Portfolio analysis and Due Diligence: For portfolio analysis and segmentation from the commercial, strategic, financial and real estate point of view. It is used for massive valuations (desktop, drive by, statistical).
Project Feasibility Analysis, Product Definition and Business Analysis:
Tax impact on real estate assets and Cadastral Audit: Mitigation of the tax impact of real estate assets, which in some cases represents a considerable expense.
Due Diligence and Feasibility Studies are used to obtain the information prior to the signing of a contract. Therefore, it is the process by which a potential buyer evaluates one or more assets, in terms of:
Architecture and Building Engineering include all the actions that allow the physical execution of projects relating to new construction, refurbishment or fitting-out works, through definition, valuation and action management of an asset, in terms of:
Project Monitoring and Cost Control represents a very efficient tool for controlling the investments made by financial institutions, investment funds and developers in real estate developments. This service allows technical-financial monitoring of:
These are comprehensive technical services carried out on behalf of the client with regard to planning, organization and control of the resources with the purpose of achieving one or several objectives:
Energy Audits involve the inspection, study and analysis of energy flows in a building, process or system, while Energy Certifications provide information on energy consumption and emissions, allowing to measure energy savings in terms of consumption: