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Customer Support

GESVALT SOCIEDAD DE TASACIÓN, S.A. provides its users and clients with the following information regarding its Customer Support Service, which may be used for submitting any complaints regarding the services provided by the Company.

The Customer Support Service is fully autonomous and independent to the rest of the Company’s services.

Clients can submit complaints, either personally or through a representative, on paper or by electronic or telematic means, provided they can be read, printed and kept on file, via the following means:

  • Directly to the Customer Support Service.
  • In any of the Company’s offices which are open to the public.
  • By sending an email to the following address: serviciodeatencionalcliente@gesvalt.es
  • By writing to the following postal address established for this purpose: “Gesvalt Customer Support Service” Paseo de la Castellana, 164. 28046 – España”

The use of electronic or telematic means must comply with the requirements established in Spanish Law 59/2003, dated 19th December, regarding electronic signatures.

The data required to successfully submit a complaint is the following:

  • Name, surname and ID number of interested party.
  • Relation to the valuation for which the complaint is being made.
  • Number of GESVALT document in order to locate it.
  • Date of valuation
  • Main reason for complaint and, if applicable, documents to accompany complaint.
  • Contact details for further communication.

The Customer Support Service is obliged to attend to and resolve any complaints that are submitted by clients within a period of two months from the date of submission, via any of the means previously indicated.

If the client or user is not satisfied with the solution presented by the Customer Support Service, they may submit a further complaint to the Bank of Spain’s Complaints Department, whose contact details are:

Bank of Spain
Department of Market Conduct and Complaints
C/ Alcalá, 48. 28014 Madrid


Applicable Legislation

The following legislation is applicable for the defence of financial services customers:

  • Order ECO/734/2004, dated 11th March, on Customer Service Departments and Services and Customer Ombudsmen for Financial Institutions.
  • Law no. 2/2011, dated 4th March, on Sustainable Economy.
  • Order ECC/2502/2012, dated 16th November, which regulates the procedures for the filing of complaints with the Bank of Spain’s Complaint Department, the National Securities Market Commission and the General Directorate of Insurance and Pensions.