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Basically, a Book-to-Floor analysis involves the comparison of the values reflected in a company’s balance sheet with its physical reality. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a physical inventory of the assets and an exhaustive analysis of the records that make up the company’s Fixed Asset Listing, in order to detect possible deviations.
The main objective of the work is to control assets and improve their management. The final result will allow the detection of inaccuracies in the Fixed Asset Listing:
• Existence of records that remain in the file despite having been disposed of, a factor that may have relevance in the calculation of future depreciations if the assets are not fully depreciated.
• Inconsistency in the allocation of asset class/cost centres.
Gesvalt has professionals with extensive experience in carrying out this type of work, with great analytical skills and familiar with the use of office tools that allow us to speed up the reconciliation process.